While we love to enjoy comfortable environments, it is also necessary to consider cleaning the HVAC systems which might be blocked with dust, debris, and dander. This might lead to inhabitants breathing in polluted air. It is a very sensible approach if you learn the basics of how to clean AC vents in Home

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indoor air pollution is one of the leading risks to public health. Another fact you must know, where the dust and debris might accumulate contaminants are also found. Hence, you must be aware of reliable service providers for Air Duct Sanitizing in Rosewell to breathe in fresh and clean air. This becomes even more important if there are kids or any house members are suffering from allergies or sensitive health conditions.


The majority of people who own HVAC systems might not be trained on how to clean them by themselves. First, you must understand that cleaning or sanitization of ductwork is not too complicated, and you may not have to spend a lot of time and energy to learn it. 

The fact to know about your system is that most of the debris and filth in your ducts gathers towards the registers. So, it’s the first thing to inspect and clean. While living in Georgia an HVAC unit is a must-have, and similarly, you may also require expert services for Air Duct Cleaning in Roswell


To use a vacuum to clean your ductwork, you will require a few special things to accomplish to task: 

  • Furnace Filter: When your cleaning job is finished, you will surely need a new furnace filter. So, you must act carefully and choose the right filter. 
  • Facemask and Gloves: While cleaning heavy-duty gloved and facemask or goggles are required. 
  • Vacuum: You will require a vacuum to suck dirt and debris from the air registers. The normal household vacuum cleaner might not be suitable for this, so you might have to rent a long hose to insert it into the system ducts. 
  • Brush: A brush that has a shape similar to a toilet brush is best suited for scrubbing tasks. On the contrary, a stiff-bristled paintbrush might also give good results. 
  • Power Drill: To remove screws from the HVAC vents, you will need a power drill or screwdriver. 
  • Cleaning Cloth: For this task, you will require a special microfiber cloth for best results. 
  • Paper Towels: Handy paper towels will prove quite useful in HVAC Cleaning exercise. 
MMI Air Duct Cleaning Service Provider in GA


Step 1:

Remove screws from air vents and return grill plates. 

Step 2:

Place a paper towel over the supply vents that are not being cleaned initially. This will not allow any dirt or debris to flow in or out while cleaning other parts. 

Step 3:

Set your thermostat to ‘fan-on’ position as this will help dislocate the dirt and debris that is loosened while cleaning. Before starting this activity, ensure that the heating and cooling mode is turned off. 

Step 4:

Try to knock loose any dirt or filth accumulated in your system. You may lightly tap the ducts which will loose down dust clusters attached to the inside body of the ductwork. Then use the brush and start tapping on the most accessible vent as this will breakdown any deposits of dampened dust particles. 

Step 5:

After this, you may scrub-clean the air registers by sweeping out the dirt from the supply duct. While the vacuum is running at the hose end, you may lift the register. Catch all the dirt and debris from the hose canal that is being forced out by the vacuum. You may also use the brush to loosen any accumulated dust in the air register at this time. Then take a damp microfiber cloth and access the ducts to wipe it clean. This process might be repeated many times. Paper towels can also be used. 

Step 6:

After this, sweep clean the return air registers. This time also, you may need a brush to access the register cavity as far as possible. 

Step 7:

Then, you need to turn off the fan, thermostat, and furnace. Remember not to shut off the thermostat directly as the system might still be running. 

Step 8:

While the system is turned off, you are allowed to remove the panels from the front side of the furnace to access the blower compartment and return the air boot. At this time, you will require the vacuum to swipe clean the accumulated filth. Remember to clean the furnace fan also. 

Step 9:

If your HVAC filters are blocked with dust, debris, and contaminants you may not be able to enjoy the benefits of clean air ducts. Hence, opting for a premium filter will surely reduce the amount of dust in your indoor surroundings. For best performance, it is recommended to change the filter quite often (every month) as a clogged filter restricts proper airflow. 

MMI Pro doing Air duct cleaning Service on site
MMI Air duct cleaning - After and Before Photo


The air filters have a function similar to the lungs, so if they are not fully cleaned and sanitized, your HVAC unit may emit polluted air which will adversely impact your health. Also, clogged filters may cause the system to work harder which leads to increased energy consumption and high energy bills. 


If you are looking for the most reliable and affordable HVAC cleaning sanitization services in Georgia, then MMI Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning Service is the best choice for you. Our pioneering and all-inclusive services distinguish us from others. We believe in 100% customer satisfaction and aspire to lead the market through trust, professionalism, and excellence. We want you to enjoy peace of mind, good health, and the most comfortable and safe environment. 

So, contact us today for expert advice. Our customer service department is available 24/7 to address your queries.

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