Does Maintenance of HVAC Reduce Dust

You surely want your HVAC system to efficiently function so that you enjoy the flawless performance and fewer energy bills. It is only possible with regular maintenance of the unit. When it comes to HVAC cleaning, the HVAC filters, coils, fins, and other components require regular cleaning and maintenance. Neglecting this will impact the unit performance and impact indoor air quality, and health. Some people might wonder how? The answer to this is regular maintenance of HVAC reduces dust and filth. 

How Can HVAC Maintenance Reduce Dust In Home?

Air Filters 

The most essential maintenance task is to regularly clean and replaces the air filters. As an HVAC owner, you must know that blocked and filthy filters restrict normal airflow and meaningfully reduce a unit’s efficiency. When normal air flow is limited, the air that bypasses the filter may carry filth straight into the evaporator coil. It will damage the heat-absorbing capacity of the system. Hence, replacing air filters will reduce the system’s energy consumption from five to fifteen percent. 

In commercial spaces where the AC system is centralized, filters are usually positioned along the return duct’s length. Some of the most common filter positions are walls, rooftops, furnaces, or the AC unit. Room ACs have their filters fixed in the grill that opens in the room. 

Some filters are reusable, while some need to be replaced. So, you should clean or replace the filters after every one or two months. If you have a dusty surrounding, you must practice this more frequently.  

Air Conditioner Coils 

The AC’s evaporator and condenser coil accumulate dust over time. If you have a clean filter, it will protect the coil from dirtying rapidly. However, the coil will still collect dirt, which eventually limits the airflow and insulates the coil, diminishing its capacity to absorb heat. So, you should inspect your evaporator coil at least once a year. 

On the contrary, condenser coils also become filthy if the external environment is dusty. You can witness the dirty fins. Hence, you should minimize the dirt and debris close to the condenser. Also, you should clean the area around and protect it from dirt, falling leaves, and grime. 

Coil Fins 

You should know that the evaporator fins and condenser coils can be easily bent and block airflow. So, to treat this condition, you should purchase the ‘Fin comb’ available at any hardware store to effectively clean the fins. 


Does Maintenance of HVAC Reduce Dust
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Condensate Drains 

If you want to unclog the condensate drains, you should pass through the stiff wire. You should know that clogged drain pipers stop a unit from decreasing humidity, and extra moisture discolors the wall. 

Window Seals for AC Units 

When winters start, you should check the seal between the AC and the closed window frame. You should ensure that it is in contact with the unit’s metal case. The excess humidity can impair seals, allowing cool air to escape. 

Winter Preparations 

When winters arrive, you should either cover your AC or remove it. You should also cover the external unit of the central AC to protect it from weather impacts and debris. 

How Can You Reduce Dust in Your Home?

Dust within the home is a widespread issue. It layers every surface and causes allergies or aggravates asthma. As there are several dust sources in your home, there are many effective ways to control its spread. When you opt for Air Duct Cleaning in Roswellit will significantly improve your indoor air quality and ensure a clean and healthy environment. Other practical measures include: 

Air Duct Cleaning in Roswell
HVAC Cleaning by MMI
Maintenance of HVAC

Improve Your Filter’s MERV Rating 

As a responsible homeowner, you should regularly replace your furnace filters. According to experts, it is ideal for changing after every one to three months. It will notably help reduce dust. Every filter has a MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating ranging from 1 -16. Hence, a higher rating means that it blocks even the smallest particles. So, you should immediately check your filter’s MERV rating. If it is low, you should replace it with a higher rating to maintain a clean and fresh indoor environment. Sometimes, a higher MERV rating filter can even block the HVAC air. Hence, it is ideal to discuss it with an HVAC Cleaning in Roswell before purchasing. 


Sometimes, when you clean or vacuum your home, the dust is dislocated from surfaces and get suspended it into the air. It moves throughout your home and settles in other areas through the air. So, you should adopt a convenient way to control the spread of dust in your house. For this, you should switch on the HVAC fan after you dust or vacuum. You can turn it on by shifting the thermostat from “auto” to “on.” So, now your HVAC filters will be able to efficiently eliminate any aerial dust particles from home before circulating. 

Electric Air Cleaner 

An electric air cleaner is manufactured for the heating and cooling system to efficiently remove dust and other aerial particles from the indoor air. The cleaner uses the current power to eliminate even the smallest particles. Its efficiency is similar to a high-rated MERV filter. The best thing about the electric air cleaner is that it purifies the air without affecting the airflow. 

Electric Air Cleaners use two different technologies. A few systems use a set of electric-charged plates to attract particles. While other systems use electrically charged filters to attract aerial particles. If you want to enjoy high efficiency, replace the cleaner after every two years. 

When Should You Hire a Professional?

You should hire a professional for regular HVAC cleaning and maintenance. Sometimes your system has mold growth, pest infestation, clogged ducts, or leakages. In this case, hiring an HVAC professional is a must. 

MMI Home Improvement

MMI Home Improvement is one of the best HVAC service providers in Georgia, US. We have a pool of certified technicians who closely inspect your system’s amount of refrigerant, examine the system for any leakages, check for seal breakage in the central system, and check airflow. Visit to explore our extraordinary services and request a free quote. 

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