Complete Guide on Air Duct Mold Removal Method

Did you notice mold growth in your vents lately? Please don’t ignore it as it may cause serious harm to your health. If you are looking for a solution, read this. The article is a complete guide on air duct mold removal. You will not be able to enjoy a clean indoor environment but also enjoy good health. 

How to Remove Mold: The Simplest Way?

Here is a helpful technique for air duct mold removal. Turn off your HVAC unit, and take off the vent grill. After this, please put it in a basin of warm soapy water for at least 60 minutes. Meanwhile, clean the internal part of the air vents using a HEPA vacuum. Then, use the soaked rag to wipe off the vent grill and clean the ducts. Let it air dry completely. 

Is Mold Dangerous?

Mold is hazardous as it can cause many health problems like respiratory issues, allergies, headaches, breathlessness, sneezing and coughing, trigger asthma, cause infections, worsen sinusitis, hay fever, eye irritation, fatigue, or pulmonic hemorrhage. 

It not only affects old age or people with pre-existing health conditions, but it may also impact fit people. So, if you suffer any of the symptoms mentioned above and observe mold in the vents, you should immediately call Air Duct Cleaning CantonAlso, if the symptoms don’t improve on their own, you must consult your doctor. 

What are the Most Common Ways to Remove Mold from Vents?

The ideal way to eliminate mold from vents is to hire a professional. They will perform the task while complying with the safety standards to face no risk. Also, they use the right chemicals that are effective and safe for your health. However, if it’s not possible, here are some ways you can follow to remove mold from vents. 

Caution: Before you begin, you must wear protective equipment, i.e. mask and gloves. It will safeguard you from inhaling or getting in contact with the mold. 

Mold Removing
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Use a Detergent

You may use a laundry detergent to remove the mold from your ductwork or vent. For this, you need to: 

  • Switch off your HVAC unit. 
  • Take off the vent grill and place it in the massive basin with some drops of detergent. Ensure that it is fully immersed. 
  • Meanwhile, clean all the filth or debris using a HEPA vacuum. 
  • After 15 minutes, vacant the basin and rinse the vents. 
  • Spray and wipe the vents using soap water. 
  • Then spray your ducts with a disinfectant. It will sanitize your system. Also, don’t forget to mop deep into the ducts. 
  • Let it air dry thoroughly 
  • Reconnect the grill 

Detergent and Baking Soda

It is also quite similar to the detergent cleaning method, but it is more intense due to baking soda. So, for this technique, you may require a tablespoon of detergent and half the quantity of baking soda with 250 ml of water. You may adjust the quantities as per your requirements. 

  • Switch off the heating and cooling unit. 
  • Mix the ingredients in a vast basin. 
  • Remove the vents and immerse them into the cleaning solution. 
  • Leave it for at least 15 minutes.
  • Then use a HEPA vacuum to wipe clean the HVAC vents. 
  • Next, use the baking soda and detergent mixture to clean the vent from inside. For this, you may use a mop to access deep into the ducts. 
  • After 15 minutes, you may scrub off the mold or remnants from the vents. 
  • Use a dry and clean cloth to wipe the inner side of the vents. 
  • After everything is dry, you may reconnect the ducts. 


If you have a non-porous surface, you may use a bleaching agent to clean your vents. Carefully follow the packaging guidelines and wear protective equipment while performing the task. 

  • Blend one part of bleach with 16 parts of water. It may vary depending on the packaging instructions. Keep some solutions aside for later use. 
  • Turn off your system. 
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to wipe away your vents. 
  • Dip a cloth in the bleaching solution and clean the vents. 
  • Remove the vents and immerse them into the bleaching solution. 
  • Meanwhile, use the remaining bleaching solution to wipe clean the inner side of your vents. For this, you may require a clean cloth dipped in the solution. 
  • Let it completely dry. 
  • After 15 minutes of sopping the vents, you may scrub or wipe clean the ducts. 
  • Allow it to dry before you reconnect the vents thoroughly. 
  • Replace the air vents. 

These are painstaking cleaning approaches that may give short-term results, and you may have to repeat them often. So, the best alternative is to replace the air vents.

Can Disinfectant Kill Mold?

Disinfectants are an excellent option when looking for mold and mildew cleaning products. It helps clean the stain and bleach the surface to kill the contaminants. Though such products are designed for bathroom cleaning purposes, it can be a risky experiment for an HVAC system. For this, you may look for manufacturer instructions.

Air Duct Cleaning and Mold Removal

As stated above, air duct cleaning services can professionally remove mold. Also, if you have a dryer at home that requires service, you should contact for dryer vent cleaning in Canton instead of experimenting yourself. 

Always make sure to investigate the company before hiring. A reliable cleaning service with the right experience and appropriate equipment can give you excellent and satisfactory results. So, it is the best way to get rid of mold and enjoy a clean, contaminant-free environment. 

How to Prevent Mold Growth on HVAC Vents?

Mold Growth Inhibitors

You may try to find EPA-approved mold growth inhibitors to prevent mold redevelopment in your air vents. For this, you should religiously follow the manufacturer’s instructions. 

Replace Old Filters

Frequently replacing old filters can keep your environment mold-free. 

Wipe Drip Pans

Drip pans gather water, and mold quickly grows on damp surfaces. So, make a habit of cleaning the drip pans regularly to avoid this inconvenience. 

Use a Dehumidifier

To regulate moisture levels in your surroundings, it is a good idea to invest in a dehumidifier and place it in moist regions of your home. 

UV Lights

Installing UV lights in your ducts can help clean mold and other contaminants.

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