Which Factors Would Increase Poor Indoor Air Quality

The air quality in public and private facilities significantly impacts your health. It is possible to improve your health and quality of life by maintaining good air quality in the indoor spaces where you live, work, and play. Because many individuals spend most of their time indoors, it is critical to maintain and improve indoor air quality. This is particularly true in areas where the weather prevents people from going outside. Indoor air quality impacts the risk of lung problems, allergies and breathing problems, and viruses spread in the air. It can also aggravate pre-existing health issues and increase symptoms. This article will guide you on which factors would improve poor indoor air quality. You can also contact Air Duct Repair and Replacement Duluth for assistance.

Which Factors Would Increase Poor Indoor Air Quality?

Air pollutants are of different types. Carbon monoxide is a common air pollutant that escapes into your home when it isn’t burned off. Older homes may contain asbestos and lead particles, damaging the lungs when released into the air. Mold and mildew can become a nuisance where moisture levels are typically higher than in the rest of your house.

Indoor Air Quality


Bad odours and eye, nose, and throat irritation are common complaints about poor indoor air quality. Bad odors aren’t harmful in and of themselves, but they can exacerbate symptoms like headaches, nausea, and eye or throat discomfort. Chemical dangers are not always completely understood, especially in the case of long-term exposures.


Radon is a gas that exists naturally in soil and rock and can enter properties through soil diffusion. It can cause lung cancer after breathing.


Particles in the surrounding air, including coarse, small, and ultrafine particles. Most have been shown to have negative health consequences, notably on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Some particles can come indoors due to the combustion of fuels for heating and cooking and interactions involving ozone and some volatile organic chemicals (VOCs).

Furthermore, artificial nanoparticles, increasingly being employed in consumer products, could behave as indoor air pollutants.


In the formation of asthma and allergies affecting the airways, microorganisms such as fungus and viruses may play a significant role. Many fungi release compounds that induce allergies. This is an issue in moist buildings or interior locations where there is mold. Virus infections can also be transferred through indoor air. Some of them can cause asthma and allergies to flare up.

Animals and Pests

Pests, home dust particles, cockroaches, and – particularly in urban areas – mice are common indoor allergies causes. These allergens can cause airway illnesses like rhinitis and breathing problems. The amount of exposure varies based on the environment. It’s uncertain how much exposure to pets influences the growth of asthma in humans. On the other hand, allergy sufferers should avoid items to which they are allergic.


Indoor air humidity should be at a certain level. Too little humidity causes eye discomfort, dry skin, and rashes.  Too much humidity causes water damage, mold problems and promotes dust mite development.


It is one of the essential aspects of establishing indoor air quality. Poorly ventilated businesses and schools, for example, can have a negative impact on health, work, and educational achievement. Ventilation is especially important in buildings that have little air exchange with the outdoors.


Indoor air that is too cold or too hot is uncomfortable and hazardous to one’s health. Too warm air, for example, exacerbates the consequences of insufficient humidity.

How to improve Indoor Air Quality?

Replace Your Air Conditioner's Filter

Air conditioning systems work regularly to maintain the ideal temperature in your home.. However, as they circulate through all that air, they screen out some of the most frequent pollutants. Their air filters eventually become clogged. It can harm your interior air quality, but it also wears out your air conditioning system. It can end up being a costly repair. So, change your AC filters regularly or acquire Commercial Air Duct and Dryer Vent Cleaning Duluth services that usually include a filter change – especially if you have allergies or live in a polluted metro region.

Clean the Rug and Carpets

Clean the rug and carpets. Dust and other particles get caught in their threads. Cleaning your carpets and rugs every week will ensure that they continue to work for you. It will also increase the air quality in your home simply by lying there!

Ideal Humidity

Mold and mildew grow in humid and moist environments, aggravating allergies and asthma. The hot summer months can offer particularly humid weather, depending on your region. You can place humidifiers to reduce the quantity of moisture in the air and prevent the growth of bothersome molds. Humidifiers come in several styles to assist you in maintaining normal humidity levels and providing comfortable living conditions in your house.

Indoor Plants

Investing in a few house plants can help enhance your home’s indoor environmental quality while also adding to the decor. The greatest options for removing pollutants from the air are little plants like ferns and lilies.

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