Learn How to Clean a Heating Duct

Do you know why it is important to clean your HVAC ductwork? Your health, energy bills, costly repairs, and system replacement costs are cut down. It is particularly important in areas where people suffer from allergies or health complications. So, read this article to learn how to clean a heating duct, and save big.

If you cannot afford duct replacement, here you can find an alternative. When it comes to HVAC duct systems, you will find many varieties like loft or underground systems. However, the approach to cleaning these systems is similar.

The fact is that you might not be able to access all parts of these duct systems, but an expert approach can be quite beneficial for your health and wellbeing. It will replace the need for commercial dryer vent cleaning.

What Items Do You Require to Clean the Ductwork?

Furnace Filter

You may require a furnace filter at the culmination of the task because it is important to choose the right one for you.


For the duct cleaning task, you may require a household-type vacuum with a proper hose connected. However, a heavy-duty “Shop Vac” unit is a better option.


A hard-bristled brush, similar to the toilet cleaning one, is best suited for the purpose. You may also use a stiff paintbrush.


The registers are connected with some fasteners. You may also have to use whichever tool matches the fasteners.

Cleaning a Heating Duct

Paper Towel

If you wish to dust off and thoroughly sweep the ductwork, paper towels can help cover a few registers while you are cleaning others.

Step-by-Step Ductwork Cleaning

Shield the Supply Registers

Begin by sheltering your supply air register openings that source conditioned air to the indoor space with paper towels. So, it will help keep the dislocated dust from drifting into the rooms as you proceed with your work. Thus, lift the register, cloak the paper towel on it, and install a new one.

Switch on the Fan

You should keep the fan working while you clean the heating duct. It will help push the dust along, which you may clean while banging and brushing. Keep the thermostat at “fanon” and turn off the “heat/cool” mode as it will keep running the fan. However, if you don’t have a fan-only option, you may allow the heat mode or take the opportunity to set up a first-hand thermostat.

Examine Filter

Ensure that your outdated furnace filter is fixed so that dust you clean does not end up entering the fan motor.

Free the Heating Dust in The Ductwork

Knock free any blockage of debris in your ductwork. You just need to hold the handle of your brush and start cleaning the accessible ducts in your underground room. It will help lose any deposits of moist dust that you might have left on the inner side of the ductwork.

Clear Supply Registers

Now start cleaning the filth in your supply registers. You may use a vacuum along with the hose and close to the register to lift it. You can also use the hose to pull any debris that the fan is displacing and sweep clean as far as you can in the register tubing. Your brush can help loosen any clogged dirt in the register. Since you move through the home cleaning off the supply registers, you can get rid of the paper towels.

Wipe Clean the Return Air Registers

Step-by-Step Ductwork Cleaning
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Next, you may swipe clean your return air registers. The registers are usually fastened with a screw, and you may need a special tool for removing them. Then again, brush off and sweep clean as far as you can into the register tubing or fissure.

Switch off the Fan and Furnace

Then, switch off the thermostat fan and disconnect the power to the heater through the breaker panel. Try not just to shut off the thermostat, as it does not completely switch off the power to the unit.

Spring Clean the Blower Compartment and Return Air Boot

When the power is switched off, you can take off the panels on the front side of the heater, access the blower section, and return the air boot. Use your vacuum to clean the dust accumulation in the HVAC blower section and return the air boot. Here you will find a huge chunk of dust. So, you must use pro techniques to clean the heater.

Install a New Heater Filter

If you replace your old air filter with a new and better quality one, you can surely reduce the dust in your home and improve air quality. A filthy and clogged filter will hinder the airflow to the fan that will heat your blower motor, thus sinking its lifespan. However, if you have pets or children in your home, you should try to replace the filter even more often.

How to Access the Main HVAC Ductwork?

Usually, there are regions in your HVAC ductwork that are hard to access. These places are likely to comprise a lot of dust and debris. However, if you are fond of spring cleaning, you may have to make an extra effort. Here is how you can access these ducts and enjoy dust-free air:

Take off End Caps from Rectangular Heating Duct

If your home has rectangular ductwork, you will have to remove the end caps to reach out to the inner side of the heating duct. You can slither the drives down off the ductwork and tug out the cap of the slips. You may also use a torch or smartphone light to peep inside the heating duct.

The vertical metal piece on the right side is referred to as a drive. You may find it enfolded on the topside and bottom side of the ductwork. By using a pair of pliers, you can open it and tug the drive down off the heating ductwork on both sides to disconnect the two pieces.

Wipe Clean the Internal Basement Registers

Usually, the HVAC ductwork features registers fixed all through the system to dispense the air to the underground room. However, if you take off these registers, you will gain even more access to the primary trunk pipeline.

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